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The Ultimate Guide To Soft Hands and Feet

Taking care of and pampering your hands and feet will make them soft and go a long way towards making you feel more comfortable and attractive. Here are some affordable and effective steps to incorporate into your routine for much softer hands and feet.

Step 1: Soak your Hands and Feet into Warm Water

Soaking your hands and feet in a bowl of warm water or sitting in a warm bath will soften up any dead skin and prepare your hands and feet for exfoliation. It is a good idea to use warm — but not hot — water to keep your hands and feet from drying out. Make sure to soak them for at least ten minutes. Not only will this step help to soften up your hands and feet, but it will also help to clean them and relieve tension throughout your entire body. You may add other ingredients to gain extra benefits, such as a teaspoon of tea tree oil to get rid of unpleasant smelling bacteria, or Epsom salt, which will help relieve muscle pain.

Step 2: Exfoliate your Hands and Feet

Dead skin is a huge hindrance to achieving the soft hands and feet you desire. Exfoliating will get rid of that dead skin. After your hands and feet are thoroughly softened up from soaking, use your favorite scrub to remove the dead skin. To make your own luxurious scrub, use equal parts sugar and or salt along with almond or olive oil. Work the scrub into your hands and feet using small circular motions.

Step 3: Buff Away the Ridges

You are bound to have calluses and bumps, especially on your feet. Smoothing these down will help you to get softer hands and feet. After thoroughly exfoliating your hands and feet, buff away these bumps with a damp pumice stone or lava rock with a small amount of your favorite body wash. Make sure that you are gentle to avoid irritation.

Step 4: Groom your Fingernails and Toenails

This step is often overlooked when trying to get softer and smoother hands and feet, but it is quite important. Jagged and untamed fingernails and toenails will go a long way in making your hands and feet rougher. Use a strong nail clipper and follow this up with a high quality nail file. If your fingernails or toenails have ridges, you can remove them by finishing this step with a nail buffer.

Step 5: Moisturize and Massage your Hands and Feet

For soft hands and feet, it is very important to apply a moisturizer, especially after you spend time removing dead skin. There are many options you can choose from. You could use your favorite store bought moisturizer or you could take the more natural and inexpensive route and use an oil, such as coconut, almond, olive, or jojoba oil. Spend quality time massaging the moisturizer all over your hands and feet, and do not forget your cuticles!

This article was written by Briar McLachlan.  Briar feels very feminine when her hands and feet are at their softest, especially after a mani-pedi. Whether it’s just for your, or for your nail business, Briar recommends you contact T4 Spa for a quality pedispa.