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Roofing and Home Insurance

Whether you are building a home, buying one, or updating your current abode, roofing is one of the first things you should consider. Most home insurance companies consider your roof the single most important part of your home. Your roof is your home’s first defense against harsh weather and if it doesn’t hold up, its damage will result in even larger damages throughout the rest of your home. In your insurance coverage, a lot depends on your roof.

Because of its importance, many home insurance companies will base your home insurance price on your roof and the area that it is located in. Premiums and coverage varies from company to company, so make sure to contact your insurance agent before buying, building, or replacing your roof. 

Wood Shakes

           Although they have a timeless look, wood shakes are probably not the type of roofing you want for your home. They provide good insulation and last anywhere from 15 to 20 years. That’s pretty much where the benefits end. Wood shakes have barely any defense against fire, are susceptible to rot, and tend to warp over time. Insurers are often not fond of this type of roofing and will raise your premium significantly. If you live in an area that experiences wildfires often, they may not insure you at all.

 Asphalt Shingles

           This is the least expensive type of roofing and is common in many areas. The material is fire resistant and is offered in a variety of colors, making it fit well with your needs. Shingles tend to age faster than most other options. To avoid this, it is suggested that you get a lighter color. Insurers also tend to favor lightweight shingles in areas that experience earthquakes, as they cause fewer problems when damaged during seismic movement.


           Tile tends to last for an unending amount of time, as long as it is installed correctly. It is also the only type of roofing that doesn’t fade over time. Tile is known for its insulation capabilities, as well as its fire resistance. Although it is set to last a lifetime, if anything does happen to it, you will have some pretty extensive replacement costs. Insurance may go up due to this fact, but it may be offset through its fire and hail protection.


           Much like tile, slate should last a lifetime if installed correctly. Although costly, slate keeps your roof safe from the dangers of fire, rot, insects, and hail. Because of its heavy demeanor, your home’s structure can support the extra weight. Depending on where you live, insurance will most likely go up due to the high maintenance costs if damage happens to come to your slate roof.

           These are just a few of many roofing options you can choose for your home. Make sure to contact your local insurance agent to see what they prefer or suggest for your home. Prices vary depending on the area you live in and the dangers associated with it. Discuss pricing expectations with your agent before taking on the important project of roofing your home.

 Stephanie Wilmsmeyer is aState Farm home insurance agentin Columbia, Mo. Find her on Google+