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Leather Jackets – How To Care For A Soft Leather Jacket

A great quality, soft leather jacket is usually an expensive object of clothing that all women would like to get a long time of wear out. Therefore it is imperative to discover how to take good care of it, no matter what sort of leather it is made out of. We invited leather jacket designers, Boda Skins, to instruct us on how to care for a leather jacket properly.

Grease, perspiration, creams, ointments, and cosmetics, can cause permanent issues for a leather jacket. By getting into the routine of applying a high quality leather protection, storing the jacket correctly and cleaning leather can all help to ensure that the leather coat remains looking its optimum.

What Type of Leather is your Jacket Made From?

It is important to read the manufacturer’s care label when you buy any new garment of clothing. Any high quality leather jacket will feature washing and care instructions. The care label will explain exactly what type of leather the jacket is made out of. There are several different types and finishes of leather, and each may require special treatments. Here are some general points to consider in your cleaning routine.

Leather Jacket Cleaning Routine:

1. Cleaning

Wipe over the jacket with a soft wet cloth and apply your leather cleaner sparingly. Wipe over again to get rid of any residue and leave it to dry properly. It is then important to follow with a conditioning treatment to moisturise the leather after cleaning.

2. Conditioning

Leather conditions are made specifically for leather jackets and other leather good. One of the key ingredients used is normally mink oil. Leather conditioner keeps the leather very soft and prevents it from getting dry or cracked.  A jacket should be conditioned every time it gets wet. The conditioning product should be applied in an extremely thin coat with a clean cloth.

3. Drying

A leather jacket can get wet after cleaning, or perhaps if it goes in the rain. To dry properly, the jacket should be hung up on a wide hanger and left dry naturally at room temperature. It is important that it is kept separate from any other garments. Mildew tends to love leather, and removing it is extremely difficult.  Remember to condition after the jacket has fully dried.

Storing a Leather Jacket

Storing the leather jacket correctly will help to keep the jacket in tip top condition. The hanger you use should be shoulder-shaped to prevent any dents forming in the shoulder area of the design. Jackets should be kept in a dry, cool wardrobe, away from direct sunlight or radiators. If a jacket is not going to be used for a while, it may be worth storing it in a breathable clothes storage bag. You should not put it in an air tight container. It should be completely dried before storage and kept away from damp areas.

Love soft leather jackets? Check out our Instagram page for all the leather styling you could wish for.