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Growing Plants Indoors: A Guide For The Winter

When the temperatures decrease and the cold winter greets us once again, it somehow seems that all nature pauses for a little while. Looking around yourself and all you see is naked trees and wilted flowers; there is no trace of that lush and live greenery or smell of fresh flowers. But there are a few ways you could defy nature and its seasons. Bring your small haven inside and create an interior garden so your plants could grow and live even during the coldest months. And here is a simple guide on how to grow your plants in disclosed conditions:

Growing Indoor Plants

When it comes to indoor plants, the cultivation process differentiates a bit in comparison to the outdoor growing. The first thing is securing a warm surrounding that will not enable any gusts of cold air to break through. Also, one of the most crucial aspects is enabling proper lighting for your plants to thrive and bloom. Other than this, adequate levels of humidity are needed in order to maintain proper conditions for cultivation. Another thing to keep in mind is not to go overboard with food and water, as plants require less feeding during winter months.

When you have mastered the basics of indoor plant cultivation, it is time to choose what kind of plants you wish to grow. These are the best choices when it comes to growing plants indoors:

  1. Succulents

These adorable plants make a great choice for indoor growing as they are quite dormant during winter and actually do not require much maintenance. Succulents are also good if you wish to create a contemporary garden design as they contribute to the complete modern setting. When it comes to their requirements it is important to remember a few things. First, succulents require about 6 hours of sunlight during the day so it would be smart to keep them close to the window. What is great is that they are quite resistant so they can easily adapt to cooler temperatures and also do not require too much water.

  1. Herbs

Winter is a great season to spice up your plant life. Herbs actually make amazing indoor plants as they are not too picky when it comes to their cultivation process. The best location for herbs is too be placed on south-facing windows, as they require as much of natural sunlight as possible. What is important to keep in mind is that herbs do not respond well to too much water. This is why it is best to secure them with pots with drainage holes in order to avoid rotten roots and soaking. Another great thing about herbs is the fact that they enjoy the same temperatures as people, so you do not have to make any special changes for them to succeed.

  1. Veggies

What can be more rewarding than growing your own food? The best veggies for indoor growing are definitely onions, lettuce, celery, carrots and even broccoli, beet or red cabbage. The best thing about these veggies is the fact they require only a bit of water and sunlight in order to grow. So it is best to provide them with natural sunlight and place them on a sunny windowsill.

Defying nature never tasted so good. Creating an indoor garden is a wonderful way of bringing a bit of life into your home during these cold winter months, when everything seems to stagnate. This is a great way to show that nature always finds its way.