By Sandra Baker, Community Manager

So you’ve tried your hand at looking for men the old fashioned way; by either going to a night club or the local pub. You may have had some success dating men that you’ve met from these places but they never turned out to be anything special. You maybe even had a friend who knows single men and they tried setting you up on dates with them. Again, they didn’t pan out. Well, have you thought of looking for single men online? There are a great number of ways that you can find compatible single men online, and have better success.

There are a few places that you can meet single men online that doesn’t include dating websites. You can use your interests as a guide because sure enough, if you are interested in something, there’s a good chance that you can find some single men who is interested in it to. For example, I like to play games online. I was able to meet a man through a computer game and we had a relationship that spanned 3 years. We became friends first and then it progressed. It’s great when you can share the same interests as the guy you’re talking to. It allows you two to connect on something. When you’re meeting single men online, it doesn’t have to be for the intent of dating them. You could first become friends and then it could progress into something more.

Where and How to Meet Men Online

Another place that you can go looking for men online is chat rooms. Chat-rooms are a fantastic place to dip your toe in the online dating world. There are chat rooms for anything under the sun! There are rooms for single women looking for single men and vice versa, there are chat-rooms for the LGBT community, varied interests and topics—the options are endless! You can be certain that you aren’t the only person looking to meet single men in these rooms though. You have to stand out. Let your personality shine! Men are attracted to humor, confidence, and someone who likes to have fun. The way you present yourself in a chat-room can either make you the talk of the room, or someone everyone ignores.

Forums are also a great place to meet single men. In forums, they work kind of like a chat-room, except the responses aren’t in real time. Everything else is the same. You can find forums that are designed especially to meet single men, for special interests and hobbies, political and religious views—anything.

Dating men online isn’t quite as nerve wracking as some people lead you to believe. If you don’t think too much about it and just enjoy the conversation as it goes, looking for men can be quite simple. It all comes down to how you present yourself. Always put your best foot forward and be approachable. If you have a strong sense of who you are and are confident, it won’t be difficult to meet a man anywhere, let alone online!