The enterprises are ruling the industry world today. Enterprise applications are a great thrust to business value as they offer in-depth business logic and technology to encompass the complete business workflow and thereby, maximize their RoI and effectiveness. These apps offer detailed development and implementation purview to attain the best of various parameters – speed, scalability, data integration, robustness, and data visualization.
Building an enterprise app has its own set of specifics to be taken care of and challenges to be faced. There is a lot of detailed auditing that goes into it, along with the accuracy of data, abiding by standard rules and regulations, good quality testing, secure encryption, etc.
In the enterprise world, there are many popular enterprise app development technologies that are thronging the market and leading to stiff competition amidst each other. Some of them are AI, IoT, information security, DevOps, DevSecOps, serverless computing, Microservices, cloud computing, container technology. Enterprise apps are supposed to integrate these technologies seamlessly and efficiently into the apps that are being created.
Why Enterprise Apps Are Crucial to Business Success?
Enterprise apps are an indispensable ingredient to the success of enterprises. Here are some of the key benefits that enterprises of any size and segment, can enjoy with these apps:
- Optimization of business processes
- Streamlined communication between stakeholders
- Enhancing employee productivity
- Fast and accurate execution of business transactions
- Secure storage of enterprise data
- Automation of repetitive tasks
- Improvising customer satisfaction levels
Examples of Enterprise Applications
Here are a few standard enterprise applications that are being implemented by global companies:
- Enterprise CRM
- ERP solutions
- Supply chain management
- Business intelligence and analytics
- Cloud-enabled and powered apps
- Mobile device management
- Enterprise CMS development
- Mobile device management
- Mobile app testing and QA
and more…
Key Guidelines to Assist in Effective Enterprise App Development
- Understand the Basic Purpose of the App and Client Needs
Before you plunge into creating the enterprise app, it is vital to understand why this app is being constructed, who are the end-users, what are their expectation, what is the business output being expected. Analyzing and understanding these perceptions is extremely important before proceeding further. Knowing this ensures the start of the right direction and the least chances of failure. It would be best to meet the end-user community to understand what they expect out of the app.
- Select the App Technology Partner and Platform Judiciously
Choosing the right IT partner for your app is a critical task and must be done considering key parameters like experience, portfolio, success stories, skilled taskforce, post-implementation support, SLA conditions, global experience, and readiness to understand your requirements. Setting up a good equation with your service partner works well in carving out a well-designed app. It is not only about who offers the best rate that matters. There are many other factors that must be ascertained, after all, it is a matter of trust and a rapport that you create.
Amidst a variety of technologies and platforms available, it is a tough but important step to identify the one which is apt for your enterprise app, in terms of features, ease of use, scalability, performance, budget, implementation success, third party integration. Whether to go in for a native app or a hybrid one must be worked up based on requirements. A hybrid app is usually a better option so that it can execute smoothly across multiple platforms and hence be popular amidst the user community.
- Observe Peer Competitor Scope of Work To Offer A Unique Experience
It is important to observe the features that competitors are offering in their enterprise apps. They must be discussed and brainstormed with the core group to garner new ideas that can incorporate into your application – an experience that can be unique and can value add to the end-user experience.
- Security of Enterprise Apps Must Gain Prominence Right from Start
App security is of great importance especially when it is for the whole enterprise and there are several users using it. In-application features may not be sufficient to take care of all security aspects like malicious attacks, data breaches, cyber-attacks. There must be a deep thought given to the implementation of security policies, right from the beginning of the project. Customized and modern-day app security features like user-based authentication, role-based access, password encryption, API gateways, adherence to standards like GDPR must be planned and incorporated by developers and analysts.
- Build an Intuitive and Visually Appealing UI/UX
It is the look and feels, navigation of the app that will attract customers and build a long-term rapport between the app and users. Hence, the UI/UX of the app must be created keeping in mind the different parameters that are important for the users. This includes different areas like security, responsiveness, understandability, ease of navigation, dynamic approach, etc.
- Third-Party Integration, Robust Database, and Backend Compatibility Must be Seamlessly Ensured
It is the data that must function seamlessly across all entities. Hence, interacting with legacy systems, third-party units, handling backend functionalities, transfer of data from one place to another – all of these must happen smoothly. This must be ensured prior to the creation of the app. API integration, if applicable, must be planned and executed for the transfer of information.
- Decide Project Deadlines, Scope of Work, Budget Estimates, Development Practices With Great Judgement and Analysis
These parameters are all important for the project to function at its best. Though it looks simple and obvious, there are cases that have faltered because of improper planning in the areas of timelines, scope, budget, methodologies. Deep thought and more time must be given to these work areas so that they are worked upon keeping in mind all app-related functionalities. Offer timelines that you can fulfill in a realistic manner, define the scope of work right in the beginning and share it with the stakeholders, work out the financial details to ensure a smooth run later and decide which project management practice (agile, waterfall, iterative, DevOps, etc.) suits the project best.
- Anticipate Futuristic Requirements and Ensure Scalability
Being an enterprise, the number of users, locations, type of hardware, new functionalities, and additional infrastructure may need an upgrade as time progresses and requirements build up. To ensure that all these can be taken care of with ease and least disturbance, the enterprise app must be highly scalable. Scalability is one important factor that must be worked upon, right from the start by the analysts and designers, so that any kind of update or change can be accommodated with ease.
Also, regular updates and up-gradation policy must be well-defined so that the app has a continuous growth chart and ensures complete adherence to user requirements and company protocols.
- Interweave Testing In All Phases of the App Development
Testing is a particularly important aspect of the robustness of any enterprise app project. Ensure that all types of testing, as applicable, must be interwoven in the design and development phase itself, so that it is done in parallel and as you get the output, it is already well tested. Enterprise apps, if not tested properly, may hinder the user’s trust in the software right while acceptance testing, and this can prove bad for the implementation of the project.
- There Must be Comprehensive Training Programmes for all Users
The users of enterprise apps may have different levels of learning experience and exposure to using IT solutions. For all of them to effectively use the app, there must be detailed training programs that must understand the level of the user and train accordingly. At the end of the training schedules, you will find all users on the same plane, with the same level of understanding, and all set to leverage the enterprise-level app.
- Keep Versioning Systems and Configuration Management at Priority
When multiple versions are being released for a single enterprise app, there are bound to be confusion, security breaches, outages, etc. A proper and well-thought-of versioning system and configuration management system must be in place right from the beginning to ensure no such complication takes place. There must be the least configuration trouble within teams, spread across geographical locations. Latest versioning systems must be installed to guarantee different versions of releases to facilitate rolling back to previous versions, whenever needed.
- Use Latest Technologies like IoT, GPS, Voice Assistance, Smart Sensors, etc. To Stay Noticed
End users are those who are already using different kinds of mobile apps at their respective homes. They know the latest trends that are showcased and expect the same to attract them in the enterprise app. The enterprise app must make the most of modern-day technology by including different features of smart sensors, IoT, voice-enabled assistance, GPS, etc. Also, the inclusion of these technologies is sure to elevate the level of the enterprise app in terms of good quality and performance.
- Attempt Keeping App Size As Minimal
Since the enterprise is going to use it, designers and developers must try to keep the app size as less as possible so that it does not load the device of users. Else there are chances users get reluctant about using these apps stating reasons of devices getting slow. Having an app that is small also makes it fast, ensuring that users are happy getting faster responses from it.
- Make Use of Load Balancers to Ensure a Good Uptime of Servers
When it is the case of multiple concurrent users, having a good uptime of servers is important. There are multiple user requests that are being handled by the servers. Load balancing helps in the proper distribution of incoming traffic to backend servers, as needed. Implementation of load balancers will help maintain and execute an effective enterprise app, across users, with maximized uptime.
As We Wind Up
As we understand the tips to build an enterprise application successfully, the support and partnerships of an experienced IT partner can work wonders. Creating an effective and successful enterprise application possesses its own set of challenges, which can be overcome by following the above best practices and guidelines. Hope these help!