We now live in an era where we are more reliant on technology. Businesses no longer need to print off important documents with personal information about employees, clients and customers. Instead, we can store it all on the cloud which is why cyber security is so important.
All successful businesses will have their information stored on a cloud or a network. The data a company holds is important, especially when helping with day-to-day tasks. However, it isn’t just the company it is vital to. It is also important to their clients or customers. That is why keeping this information protected and having a strong, secure website working with experienced web developers is vital for a business.
There are many ways to be hacked. It isn’t just about accessing bank accounts. It can also lead to identity theft and fraud. That is why it is best to secure all of this information to ensure your company, customers and employees are safe from data being misused.
Encrypt Everything
As you will know, technology is becoming more advanced than ever. However, as our technology becomes more advanced, so do hackers. The technology that hackers use also becomes more advanced which is why they adapt their systems to get into ours. They are capable of accessing old systems that are no longer protected to the extent they need to be. Additionally, someone in your business could let them in. For example, an employee may click on an email they are not supposed to. That could then allow the hacker to gain access to your company.
Scan for Vulnerabilities
Something that many companies forget to do is identify any security risks in their business. A cyber security audit can identify any potential risks with the network system.
Many companies make the mistake of relying on one software to protect their whole business. However, that isn’t the best idea. Just because you have the best cyber security software in the business does not mean it will protect you from everything. That is why you have a cyber security audit or a vulnerability assessment service to find any areas which need improving. You must have this because you could have sectors in your cyber security that are weak and vulnerable to hackers.
Once you have identified any issues which were hidden, you can then focus on getting them resolved.
Remember To Keep Everything Updated
One of the biggest security risks for a company is that they don’t update their systems. It includes software, computers, phones, network systems and anything else which is on the network. When working with a cyber security service, this is one of the things that they will always say to you. Keeping everything updated is a step forward in keeping hackers out of your network.
It is essentially like leaving your front door open. If you don’t update your systems, you are letting the hackers gain access to your systems, allowing them to misuse the data or damage it.
Scan New Devices
As you will know, many businesses encourage companies to bring their own devices. That itself poses a cyber security risk. You never know what could be on an employee’s electronic device. They may already have malware on their system and are a risk to your company.
You must encourage your employees to use company devices only. That way, you are sure they are protected and there is no malicious malware on those devices.
Another thing to mention is that if you restrict Wi-Fi access, your cyber security team will be able to identify malicious devices before they connect to the network. Plus, they can clean their devices to ensure they don’t affect the primary network.
Never Store Passwords
It is an old-school mistake that many companies make and can put a company at a massive risk. Storing passwords on a document is very dangerous, especially if you have a security breach. All of a sudden, the hacker will have access to everything inside the company. Therefore, they must be stored on a hard drive that only one person can access.
When creating passwords, there are a few boxes you need to tick to make it difficult for any trespasses. That is why it is essential to create a strong password. To create a strong password, you need to do several things. You must include upper case letters, lower case letters, symbols and numbers. It makes your password very difficult to obtain and will keep those hackers out of your network.
If you have too many passwords for your business that you cannot remember, you should consider software that keeps your passwords safe. There are plenty out there that can store them and reduce the security risks of only storing them on an unprotected document that you have in the cloud.
Don’t Share Files With Everyone
Something else that many companies do is share files with other people outside the company. Again, this is a massive security risk you should be careful with. It is similar to what we mentioned before with multiple devices. The more outsiders you have access to your network, the bigger the risk.
Yes, file sharing is required to some extent however, you must be careful who you share your files with. Once a file is shared, you shouldn’t leave it shared forever. If you know the other user is no longer using this file, remove their access so it reduces the risk.
Microsoft Cloud app security is a great way to keep your shared files safe and protected. It gives the visibility of seeing all of your files which are shared, including the ones that are not shared. Furthermore, it will show which files and folders are being used by others. It will also show who has access to these files. It will also show other cloud networks which have access to your files. The final positive of this app is that you can limit who can access these documents and restrict people from sharing with others.
To Conclude
There are plenty of things you need to worry about as a business owner, including the security of your business promises. Nevertheless, you must work with a cyber security team to help reduce the security risks in your network. Although the cloud is secure, hackers are always one step ahead so you should try your best to keep up to date.