Festival season is nearly among us, so it is time to get our tickets secured and get our travel checklist ready for the big days. Festivals in the UK are known worldwide, but unless you are a regular attendee you likely will not understand the essentials that need to be packed. Take it from our experience, more things can go wrong than right so packing for any possible occasion will put you in the best position to snap back and get back to partying.
Whilst it might seem ideal to bring your XL suitcase just to make sure you have everything you need, it will likely not withstand the muddy fields that you will likely find. Packing as much as possible, in as small of a space and as light as possible might seem far-fetched. If thousands of other festival attendees manage to get by, so can you! Here are just a few of the suggested things you should have packed within your festival page to keep you sustained throughout your stay in the pumping fields:
Waterproof Sun Cream
This first suggestion might seem boring and irrelevant to some, but buying sun cream should not be neglected. Getting burnt is the fastest way to ruin your experience at UK festivals. The sun tends to make a flashy appearance whilst being stuck in the fields, therefore it is recommended that you have sun cream available to keep you protected at all times.
Flash Light
Also, you should make sure that you have a flashlight handy for when you are making your way back to your tent. There will be hundreds of tents surrounding the area in which you have decided to park your tent, therefore it would be easy to mistake someone’s tent for yours. Avoid the confusion and get a flashlight so you can see in the dark when you are making your way back to the tent. Even better, find one which will attach to your bag or outfit so you will have it readily available at all times.
Travel Backpack
This might seem obvious, but you must make sure you have a camping-specific back for when you visit a festival, A handbag or a flimsy duffel bag will not cut it when you are trying to drag 50kgs worth of survival food and drinks around to your campsite, therefore make sure you invest into a sturdy bag. This bag should also be able to carry the tent on the back of it. It won’t be so much fun taking all your stuff there and back when you are leaving, but it will sure make things easier!
Versatile Shoes
Another essential which you should be bringing is a versatile pair of shoes. The shoes you bring and wear are crucial if you are looking to avoid any sort of discomfort for the duration of your stay. These shoes should be sturdy enough to stop the hundreds of mosh pitters from breaking your toes, but comfortable enough for you to be dancing the whole night. Also, make sure you bring yourself a pair of flip-flops for when you are visiting the showers if they are available, or for generally chilling around the campsite.
Sleeping Bag
A sleeping bag is another essential that festival goers tend to neglect. As much as your tent will turn into a greenhouse in the mornings as the sun shines down, the nighttime can be extremely cold and hostile. Having a sleeping bag to keep you warm and comfortable is key if you want to get some rest in time for another 16 hours of partying the next day, so wrap up.
Toiletry Essentials
Furthermore, you should make sure to bring all of the necessary toilets to get you through the day. This can be as simple as your toothbrush, paste, and shower gel, or it might also include baby wipes and a DIY shower water bottle if showers are not available. Make sure you get all of your toiletries ahead of time, and get them in a travel size to avoid taking up too much space in your bag.
Water Bottle
If you hope to avoid paying a fortune for bottles of water, you should bring your reusable water bottle to fill up whilst you are at the festival. Most festivals now have water fountain stations, meaning that people can freely use the available water. Bring your bottle to avoid needing to waste money at the stalls there.
Ear plugs
In addition, you should bring earplugs to any of the UK festivals you visit this year. Earplugs will be your saving grace when you are looking to sleep with the high volumes of music from the festivals and speakers around you will be playing. Ear plugs will give you that rest which will be well-needed after day two. Bring a pack of earplugs and thank us later.
The most important thing you need to pack for your festival is the actual tickets. You have no idea how many people get this simple thing wrong. The festival organisers will not make any exceptions for people who forget their tickets, so make sure you have them printed off and ready to show. Of course, many tickets are now available online, but in the worst-case scenario in case your phone dies, have the tickets printed off.
Portable Charger
Speaking of phones dying, you need to make sure that you bring a few, or one really good portable charger to get you through the day. Your phone will likely be used for a lot of the day taking videos and pictures. Some festivals have their own charging stations which you can pay for, but this of course costs money for power you can bring from home. Pack ahead of time and charge your portable chargers for the occasion.
Cute Outfits
Finally, how could anyone forget the importance of packing the cutest outfits? Festival outfits are one of the more fun things to plan and pack ready for the big days. To avoid overpacking clothes you should plan your outfits for each day. Pack outfits that will look great, but also be light to carry to and from the festival.